
All users of this site agree that access to and use of this site are subject to the following terms and conditions and other applicable law. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site.

Is your order eligible for a return?

  • If it has been more than 45 days since you placed your order, it is not eligible for return.

  • If your order is neither incorrect or defective, and you have opened the inner sleeve, it is not eligible for return. You're free to open the cardboard box it comes in but, when the sleeve is opened, we can no longer sell the product.

  • If your order is incorrect or defective, it is eligible for return. Because we made a mistake, this does not have to be within 45 days of your order being placed. If applicable, we will send a replacement package to you.

  • If your order is consumable or perishable, it is not eligible to be returned.

    If you received a consumable product that is incorrect, damaged or defective in any way, please contact our Customer Service team.

My return is eligible. What is the next step?

If you've determined that your order is eligible for a return based on the qualifications above, you can send a message to our Customer Service team. with your order number, the reason for your return, and pictures of the product.

Once a return request is approved and you are emailed a return label you have 15 days to return the product. 

If your order is not damaged, incorrect or defective you will be responsible for return shipping and a 10% restocking fee. Any additional shipping fees that was paid for will not be refunded.

Refund status

After we've received your item in our warehouse, we'll issue a refund to your specified account. Once issued, it usually takes 5-7 business days to reach your account.

To cover the cost of shipping and restocking, we require that you pay for the shipping and a 10% restocking fee. Any additional shipping fees that was paid for will not be refunded.

*This does not apply if the return is due to a mistake on our part - incorrect or defective item or incorrect description.

Is your order damaged, defective or incorrect? 

  • We sincerely apologize if your order was damaged! Please contact Customer Service and be sure to include pictures of the damaged box and products so that we can better understand what happened. These pictures also allow us to file a damage claim with the responsible shipping party. We look forward to making this right!

  • We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact Customer Service and be sure to include pictures of the products you received so we can offer you the best resolution possible. We would love to make this as easy for you as possible by setting up a UPS pickup for the incorrect item you received once your return is approved.

  • Please contact Customer Service and we will promptly help you with a resolution.